2018 Conference
Transforming Health Services, Policies and Systems through Research, Education, Innovation and Partnerships
September 26-28, 2018
Pillar and Post Conference Center, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada
Hosted by Western University Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing
More than 170 delegates from all over the world attended, including practitioners, researchers, students, policy makers, community leaders, managers, and advocates.
The conference provided a forum for nurses, social workers, counsellors, physicians, advocates, community activists, policy makers and researchers to share their work and engage in dialogue about innovations in research, practice, education and policy that support action to create a violence-free world.
Special Areas of Focus Included:
Scale-up and Implementation of Promising Interventions and Practices
Working Across Differences: Violence at the intersections of Gender, Class, Ability…
Understanding and Addressing the Health Effects of Violence Across the Lifespan
Engaging the Media, Policy Makers and the Public as Allies
Health Professional Education and System Change
Evolving Approaches to Community-Based Research
Conference Committee Members:
Local Members: Marilyn Ford-Gilboe and Victoria Smye (Co-Chairs), Helene Berman, Kim Jackson, Rachel Colquhoun, Tara Mantler
Board Members: Susan Jack, Donna Schminkey, Tazeen Ali, Leesa Hooker
NNVAWI Members: Hafrún Finnbogadóttir, Kelly Scott-Storey