Nursing Network on Violence
Against Women International

Important news!

Call for abstracts for the 26th NNVAWI conference at Niagara-on-the-lake are now closed!

Offers to present will be sent April 10th 2025.

Presenters must accept and register for the conference by May 10th.

To learn about conference abstracts, program, travel and accommodations, please follow this link:

Dear NNVAWI members,

Please note that as of July 1st, 2024, NNVAWI annual full memberships will increase by 10 US Dollars. All other membership fees will remain at their low fees.

This increase is in response to the rising costs of running the network and is being implemented reluctantly by the Board.

We appreciate your understanding in making this small change.

Warmest regards, NNVAWI Board Members

Celebrating all of the nurses and midwives making a difference in the prevention of, and response to Violence Against women and Children

Eliminating violence by advancing nursing and midwifery education, practice, research, and public policy

Our Mandate

The abuse and exploitation of women is a social problem of epidemic proportions which adversely affects the health and quality of life of millions of women each year. The Network's ethic fosters the ideal of nursing practice designed to provide assistance and support to women in the process of achieving their own personal empowerment. The ultimate goal of NNVAWI is to highlight the leadership that nurses, as well as other health care professionals including midwives, contribute to the work to end violence in women's lives and to address all forms of gender-based violence.

  • Who we are

    We are an international network of researchers, health professionals, community activists, and policy makers with special interest and expertise in gender based violence. Our network reaches across the globe, from the UK, Europe and Americas right through to South East Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.

  • Why we do it

    Our purpose is to promote and enhance social change and health policy related to violence in women's lives. We aim to change all social conditions that promote violence against women, including poverty, racism, sexism and other forms of oppression.

  • What we do

    We serve as a spokesperson for nursing and midwifery in addressing the multifaceted issue of violence in women's lives as well as the prevention of all forms of gender-based violence. We act as a liaison between nursing and midwifery and other professional and community-based organisations interested in eliminating gender based violence.



Promoting resiliency and equity to address gender-based violence through community-led solutions and partnerships. Join us for the 25th NNVAWI conference to be held in Phuket, Thailand, 2024.



Founded in November 1985 in Amherst, Massachusetts, NNVAWI was formed to address the health and social effects of violence in women’s lives from a nursing perspective.

Professional Development


The purpose of the Professional Development Subcommittee is to increase the knowledge, skills, and competencies of NNVAWI members and stakeholders to address violence against women and girls across the globe. We provide relevant education/training to NNVAWI members and create opportunities for members to share educational resources and network with stakeholders both within and outside the organization.

Looking for resources on Violence Against Women?

While resources are not our core business, our friends at the Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) have some fantastic resources you can look at!